And so the saga continues – If it is not the mine workers, it’s the truck drivers.

We have so many well paying jobs in this country that we can afford to just obliterate a few hundred or so. Burn a few trucks (some costing almost R 2000000.00), disrupt the traffic so that the rest of us are unable to reach our source of income (our jobs) on time.
All the losses, and that includes the three to six hours that the non-striking road users were prevented from using the freeway, should be for the account of the strikers.
Some small businesses will not be able to absorb the losses incurred, insurance companies will probably compensate for some of the damages but the hidden costs will haunt us for a long time to come.
This is the part we can certainly not afford.  Damage to our international image, the loss of production, the loss of clients, the damage to the roads caused by burning vehicles, late deliveries and most of all, loss of jobs. Not only the drivers but also all those that are eventually touched by this irresponsible behavior – the ripple effect of increased insurance premiums, increased delivery charges, increased taxes to repair roads etc.
Who is going to pay for all this? Everybody, including the drivers that perpetrated the cost increases in the first place. The few Rands gained on their monthly paycheck will just be offset by the increased costs.
At the root of the problem is of course the age-old problem of those that accumulate wealth and those that are unable to attain this goal.
It is acceptable if someone becomes rich through innovation, hard work or just pure luck.
The unacceptable part is the accumulation of wealth through corruption, extraordinary high income obtained from tax money (referring to Government officials), criminal activity and so on. It negates all reason when the blatant misuse, misappropriation and theft of Tax money is flaunted by those elected into power while a huge portion of the populace lives below the breadline.
People are not stupid. They observe on a daily basis their brethren that stood next to them in the trenches during the “struggle”, now harvesting opulent lifestyles as a reward, at the cost of the masses that really brought the previous regime to its knees. Gone are all the nice promises of equality, fairness, transparency and all the lies presented to the gullible masses to obtain their votes.
The labor unrest that we are experiencing in his country is the legacy of our recent past, when according to the ANC, PAC and their ilk it was OK to destroy but the shoe is now on the other foot and we are harvesting the fruits of their radicalism.


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