Twelve thousand Road deaths vs FOURTEEN THOUSAND MURDERS per annum

Read the headlines of the "Beeld" this morning and noticed that the "AARTO" system will be implemented country-wide as from next year.

Should this system be administered well it will be an asset and will probably help to reduce the number of road accident deaths to less than the 32 deaths that occur daily .

A lot of effort and financial resources have already been invested in this system and if the persons that will be appointed to make the system work are employed based on the qualifications required for the functions they have to perform, it will be an asset.

To date, this has not been the case. Even I have received incorrect fines with the photograph clearly depicting a totally different make and colour of vehicle with a registration number that may be the same but being somewhat unclear resulted in the fine being allocated to me.

I believe that the person(s) that have to issue fines, should at least be able to differentiate between different makes of vehicles and have the ability to discern from a photograph that a vehicle that is white will not show up almost black. In other words, if you are going to penalise drivers, at least make sure that the correct person is penalised.

Incorrect allocation has caused me to take off from work to go to the appropriate offices to correct mistakes that could have been prevented if the person that allocated the fine was equipped to match all the appropriate information. After all, people are criminalised by this system and the benefit of any doubt has to be allotted to the alleged offender.

When we consider that 38+ murders are committed in this country every day, I believe at least as many resources, financial and qualification-wise should also be allocated to prevent the massacre of our population at the hands of criminals. Both issues have been with us for many years and it has become time for these issues to be addressed from as many angles as possible to reduce the slaughter.

We can ill afford to win the battle against 32 road deaths per day but lose 38 persons to murder.
Our country benefits a lot from tourism and both issues have a great influence on the total experience of tourists to this country.

I am certain  that if tourists start perceiving our country as a safe destination, the increase in tourism  and income from this quarter will offset the cost of implementing the correct measures to reduce crime and road related death.

It will of course be a prerequisite that the extra money generated by tourism is allotted to these causes and does not end up in the pockets of corrupt top Government officials or is perhaps used to make Another Name Change.(ANC)


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