Judging by the reaction of almost the entire populace of this beleaguered country it is quite clear that Z1 has been weighed and found too heavy, heavy and bloated by the amount of loot skimmed, not only from the top but from the middle and bottom layers as well. Perturbing is the number of supporters who, unless they are all brain dead, can certainly not align themselves with a person that clearly has no values, no conscience and no empathy for anyone but himself. One can only conclude that the loyalty originates from some other source i.e. fear of being exposed as the following who lightened the burden of Z1 somewhat. It cannot be the character, looks, mathematical abilities or any other positive traits that keeps these cronies from jumping ship. . Now would be a good time to pack and go because later would reveal the true reasons(s) for staying on board. Once this guy is relieved of his position he will not remain in this country but would probably go into vo...