It was published by Minister Richard Baloyi in our Government Gazette that Council Members – Countrywide are to receive Risk Insurance and Life insurance, to be paid for by the TAXPAYER . This brilliant move was certainly inspired by the fact that we had more than a hundred (113) poor- service-delivery–related riots during the first seven months of 2012. I think it is ridiculous to fund this with Tax money – HA HA, make the people that are extremely unhappy – to the point where they are revolting against said Council members, for NOT doing their jobs , PAY even more to compensate for anticipated damages/losses and-so-on, which may be incurred by the PERPETRATORS of the root causes of the revolts . (Pay them for cocking things up) This is akin to a shopkeeper charging shoppers more for rotten goods , and forcing them to eat it. Salaries to Council members are already the largest cost item, leaving meagre amounts for real service delivery. ...