The final straw on the camel’s back?

The last victim may be the incident that leads to retaliation from the South African farming community. It is not a matter of ethnicity anymore but of farmers being targeted regardless of colour or creed. Victims of these heinous acts of torture, rape and all manner of extreme brutality will often find it difficult to return to farming.

This in turn leads to the food security of an entire nation being jeopardised for the enrichment of a select few. Do not for one moment think that the attacks are planned by the actual perpetrators. They are only cannon fodder. The farming community is under attack from persons, probably in very high positions, government officialdom not excluded.

Many promises were made by the ruling party pertaining to the redistribution of land when they campaigned. Land, especially developed farmland that has been in the hands of whites for many generations (some more than 350 years) unfortunately cannot be obtained for free in a Democratic society.

The principle of willing seller, willing buyer must be upheld, at least in the public eye and to the foreign investor. This principle is obviously not an option when the tax money runs out due to gross mismanagement, corruption (at the level that we are exposed to in this country the word takes on a complete new meaning).

State capture with the consent of the President of the country in collaboration with the Gupta family, manipulation of the economy (Rand value) for enrichment of the persons in charge by shuffling the cabinet ever so often after purchasing foreign currency with a stronger Rand and then flogging off the foreign money for the local currency when the economy is in turmoil and the value drops below sea level etc. 

 If you do this every year, sometimes twice, with a few billion Rand invested in foreign coinage you will be able to make a good living, even by Zuma and Gupta standards. (seems to be a bottomless pit)
A person that is not averse to these tactics (ala Z), can very easily allow trained groups to terrorise the farming community to sell at much lower prices than is the actual worth of their land. The modus operandi is almost always the same. The takings from these attacks are normally limited and seems to be totally unrelated if compared to the brutality of the attacks. Victims are scalded with boiling water, burnt with hot irons, old women raped, babies bashed to death against walls etc. The motive is clear, Terrorise the farming community. (These tactics were already applied in Kenia during the 60's and have been refined since)

Considering that the attacks take place from the Southern tip of South Africa to the Northern border, almost 2000 km away and certainly not by the same group as the attacks often occur in the North and South simultaneously it seems likely that groups have been trained in terrorist tactics (by the same person or institution) to target farmers and to scare the living (and dying) daylights out of them with the purpose of opening the way for someone else to purchase said properties at a much reduced prices.

It is my opinion that the attackers are sourced from immigrants (illegal and otherwise) and that they are offered future citizenship in exchange for services to the state. They seem to be well trained, disciplined and not really in need of valuables, attested by the fact that often, jewellery and such is left untouched. Vehicles are taken for getting away from the scene quickly and dumped when the fuel runs out. All these indicate that the perpetrators are not in it for immediate financial gain but are rather pursuing another purpose. It seems that groups may be in the charge of one or two locals to oversee (and report) on their progress.

Sourcing from immigrants has some advantages namely: foreigners can be blamed and will obviously not be linked to some local Government “entrepreneur” with the purpose of forcing the price of farmland to an affordable level – even to a government that has squeezed the state coffers dry through corruption.

If these guys are accidently caught, they will only have knowledge of the local guy that was placed in charge, nothing else. They have no local family ties, no residential address, nothing. They are probably sworn to an oath of silence.

Many of these guys are probably sourced from our Northern neighbour where they have already received the
basic training and practical expertise when similar tactics were implemented by Uncle Robert M to oust the
 white farmers. (We know the story, it started in Kenya 60 years ago and the same story has worked its way 
South) When it reaches Cape Agulhas it may find its way into the Atlantic and maybe, if we are lucky, that will
 be the end of the sad old saga. The result will be catastrophic of course, unchecked population growth, neglect,
 indiscriminate burning, poor farming practices, total disregard for wildlife, all the ugliness combined with one
 outcome. Nothing of value left, Nil, Nada, aiziko, nichts, zero, nihil, anyparxía. – get the picture??

Only one problem, There will be no prize to the South, only the Atlantic – and it has already been sold for undersea exploration and mining by the money grabbing government of the RSA.


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