Always writing about the negative things in life like poor governance, social injustice, gross misuse of tax money and so on. My wife told me (requested me) to write something positive and nice, considering that it’s the first day of a New Year.

One does tend to become negative and maybe a grumpy old person if you are always exposing yourself to the stuff that requires fixing.

I won’t say that the beautiful things that remain passes me by but maybe I should allow this to influence my moods more often.

My youngest granddaughter turned four and a half months yesterday and my eldest son 34. The little girl (Zoe-Leigh) is such a source of pleasure that I would find it difficult to get myself in the right mood to write asinine remarks about those who really deserve to be castigated in a public forum.

We have three children of our own and I think if I put all their baby-smiles together I may just be able to equal what Zoe-Leigh gives us in a week. She has one of the most sunny characters I have ever come across in my entire life and one toothless grin from her changes one’s entire day.

I sometimes wonder why I chose such a crummy subject to write about – Political Satire, it will always be negative. It leaves a sour taste in the mouth and tends to turn the corners of the mouth downwards.

Enter Zoe, gone is the migraine, gone is the grumpy mood. (Also the will to write)

This happens a few times a day and those who were called to be the watchdogs of the Democratic system will tell you that it takes a certain, cynical mindset to extract the right words from the old grey – hard disk. Once you have been Zoe’d, it often takes an hour or more to acquire this special (yucky) state of mind. This of course requires a lot of editing to make satirical and cynical remarks, sound like, well, satirical, cynical remarks.

I just hope that we – the cynical ilk of the word, will have a lot less to write about this 2013.

HNY 2013 – πέτρα & family.


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