Excerpt from NEWS 24 of 12/05/2017 

Cape Town – SABC CEO James Aguma shocked on Wednesday by telling parliament the SABC wants the Broadcasting Act changed to include more viewing devices so that more people need a SABC TV licence, for instance for computers, cellphones and tablets.
Aguma, SABC executives and the SABC’s new interim board appeared before parliament’s portfolio committee on communications to brief members of parliament about the latest situation at the crisis-riddled public broadcaster and its revised corporate plan.
He said the SABC is budgeting for lower revenue from SABC TV licences this year, but that the SABC wants to see changes made to the Broadcasting Act to make it mandatory for people to pay a TV licence for more devices they view content on.
Currently people are required to pay a TV licence for a device that can receive a TV signal. As video-on-demand (VOD), digital broadcasting and video content channelled through other device however grows, millions more South Africans are watching TV content on computers, laptops, cellphones, tablets and other devices.
Aguma told parliament that if the Broadcasting Act is changed, it would broaden the collection base for SABC TV licences which in turn would help to increase the potential revenue the public broadcaster could collect from this income stream.

From the above it seems certain that the former management at the SABC robbed this parastatal blind and left it with less operating capital than the figures quoted to the population.

It is suggested that instead of forcing the general, well informed and selective public to pay for the excrement that is dished up on SABC as a means of funding the main propaganda tool of the ANC, to follow the route of M-Net – pay to view the programs that you select.

Even better, incorporate the SABC into M-Net and use M-Net infrastructure to broadcast. Whatever revenues are generated by viewers of this channel can then be paid over to the SABC. I am willing to place my family jewels on the proverbial block that nobody will select SABC programs as part of the “bouquet” of programs they want to view.

It is patently unfair to expect (force) the population to pay for something that they do not want only to keep some overpaid incompetents in their seats. If the ANC wants to maintain this entity, they must either get competent people to run the show economically and competitively or get rid of it.

The fact that the SABC is broadcasting and the fact that people own devices that may receive this signal, by no means mean that they are ever going to view it. 

It is akin to making people pay for sunlight or air, just because it is available.


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