The hunger games
Decided on Sunday, 24 January 2016 to fast for a few days, just to detox and mainly to show my body that I will not allow it to dictate when and what I must eat. Today is day four (nearing it's end) and I feel extremely good. The first day was difficult but after that it actually became quite easy. (I structure my life around the principal of doing the right thing(s) right for the right reason(s) I was 7 Kg overweight on Sunday, I am now only 3 kg overweight and I expect to reach my target (ideal weight for my age and body type) of 87 Kg by Sunday 31/01/2016. Quick-Quick and relatively painless. I have fasted before but only for 3 or 4 days in succession. It helps to rectify the battle of wills between body and soul but not really to allow the stomach to shrink in order that one can feel satisfied without having to eat too much. A certain advantage is the return of the body's ability to process sugar(s) After a three day fast one will experience a rush of energy if...