Good bye 2013 - hello 2017
Wrote the appended post at the end of 2013 - since then we have experienced load shedding, Nkandla, Zuma reading numerical figures in excess of three digits, Zuma explaining to us that Africa is the biggest continent on the planet and that all the other continents will fit into Africa - no problem, Zuma getting married to wifey no 21, Zuma wanting to purchase a four billion dollar plane. What immediately comes to mind is the dubious ability of this person to govern as President with obvious defective schooling, at least as far as Geography and numerical literacy are concerned. What does emerge is that he may be innocent of the R 250 000 000.00 spent on Nkandla (he was most probably unable to comprehend the figures that were presented to him for his approval and signature. More incomprehensible may be the astronomical number of zeroes after the four required for the jetliner. Zeroes after all means zip, nothing, nada, no value - regardless of the number that precedes the string of...